
Mahabodhi Sanctuary is calling for a meeting on Cheng Beng event & forming a running committee to run the Cheng Beng Celebration.
日期 Date: 24-03-2012 (星期六 Saturday)
时间 Time: 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
地点 Venue: 慧根菩提苑教育中心
Education Centre of Mahabodhi Sanctuary
32, Lintang Mas, Taman Guan Joo Seng, Japanese Garden, Greenlane, 11600, Penang.
欲知详情,请联络:江师兄 (016 - 4580968)
For details, please contact Bro. Kang (016 - 4580968)
欢迎各界佛友踊跃参与,福慧双修,功德无量 !
善哉 !3x
All devotees are welcome to participate & assist to make the Cheng Beng Celebration successfully & accrue great merit wherefrom ! Sadhu ! 3x

