福建话佛学讲座系列 (公开给大众)
Series of Dhamma Talks in Hokkien (Open To All)
每逢星期四 Every Thursday
晚上八时至十时 8 – 10 pm晚上八时 - 颂念经文
08:00 pm > Chanting
晚上八时三十分 - 佛法开示
08:30 pm > Dhamma Talk
晚上九时四十五分至十时 - 回向
09:45 - 10:00 pm > Transference of Merit
Dhamma Speaker & Tutor: Bhante Paññāsami
媒介 Medium: 福建话
地点 Venue:
Pavilion of Dewan MPKK Island Park, Jalan Mas, Taman Guan Joo Seng, Japanese Garden, Greenlane, 11600, Pulau Pinang (槟城青草巷日本花园)。
慧者法师 (017 - 683 3442) - WhatsApp
温师兄 (012 - 435 9392) - WhatsApp
For details, please contact
Bhante Paññāsami (017 - 683 3442) - WhatsApp
Bro. Oon (012 - 435 9392) - WhatsApp
温师兄 (012 - 435 9392) - WhatsApp
For details, please contact
Bhante Paññāsami (017 - 683 3442) - WhatsApp
Bro. Oon (012 - 435 9392) - WhatsApp
Maha-sadhu to you all for assisting the Turn of Dhamma Wheel. By the merit of this wholesome act may you all gain all blessings, get rid of all evil conditions, obtain the release of suffering, lamentation, sadness, sickness, danger, karmic creditors & to gain blessing & prosperity as well as to attain the highest bliss of Nirvana as soon as possible ! Sadhu ! 3x