
雨安居日 Vassa

截止日期 Deadline: 31 - 8 - 2020 (周一  Monday)

神圣活动:一年一度南传佛教僧伽雨安居日 (Vassa)
日期:2020  07 月05 日 至 10  01 
Holy Event: Yearly Theravada Monks’ Rain Retreat (Vassa)
Date: 05 – 07 – 2020 up to 01 – 10 – 2020

热烈诚邀各界佛友发心踊跃加入三个月僧伽雨安居护僧团,护持供养,广种福田。善哉 3x

All devotees are cordially invited to join in 3 Months Monks’ Rain Retreat (Vassa) Supporting Group and give your full support to the monks’ daily needs during 3 months’ Vassa and at the same time to enhance your merit of supporting & offering. 
Sadhu ! 3x

三个月雨安居护僧基金:马币 一百元 (大约每日一元二角)
3 Months Vassa Fund: RM 100 /= (Around RM 1.20 per day)

Those who wish to donate Vassa Fund, please contact:

Bhante Paññasami  (017 - 6833442)
Sis. Lye Har  (012 - 4510377)
Sis. Maggie Tan (016 - 4171558)
Sis. Ek Ling  (016 - 4911492)
Bro. Oon (012 - 4359392)

法句经:第 116 

Dhammapada: 116 th Verse
Hasten to do good; Restrain your mind from evil. He who is slow in doing good, his mind delights in evil.

法句经:第 177 

Dhammapada: 177 th Verse
Indeed, misers do not go to the abode of the devas (gods); fools do not praise charity; but the wise rejoice in charity and so gain happiness in the life hereafter.


法句经:第 106 

Dhammapada: 106 th Verse
Month after month for a hundred years, one may make offerings (to ordinary people) to the value of a thousand Kahapanas; yet if, only for a moment one pays homage to a bhikkhu who has practised Insight Development, this homage is, indeed, better than a hundred years of making offerings (to ordinary people).

法句经:第 107 

Dhammapada: 107 th Verse
For a hundred years, a man may tend the sacred fire in the forest: yet if, only for a moment, one pays homage to a bhikkhu who has practised Insight Development, this homage is, indeed, better than a hundred years of making sacrifices (in fire-worship).

法句经:第 108 

Dhammapada: 108 th Verse
In this world, one may make sacrificial offerings, great and small, all the year round, in order to gain merit; all these offerings are not worth a quarter of the merit gained by worshipping the Noble Ones (Ariyas) who walk the right path.