
Yearly Buddhist Activities in 2020 (公开给大众 Open To All)

Temporary Not Open To All  暂时没有对外开放

The Year 2020 Buddhist Activities of Malaysia Mahabodhi Sanctuary Buddhist Association in Penang
Tel.: 017 – 6833442
马来西亚慧根菩提佛教会住持 慧者博士法师
The Abbot of Malaysia Mahabodhi Sanctuary Buddhist Association: Dr. Bhante Pannasami
Facebook  面子书: Mahabodhi Sanctuary

1] 每日早午餐供僧
Daily Breakfast & Lunch Offering to Monks:
早餐 Breakfast: 早上 07:30 am。
午餐 Lunch: 上午 11:30 am。

2] 每逢周二禅修班  Meditation Class on Every Tuesday
时间 Time: 晚上 8 – 10 pm

3] 每逢周四佛学班  Series of Dhamma Talk on Every Thursday
时间 Time: 晚上  8 – 10 pm
地点 Venue: Pavilion of Dewan JKKK Island Park, Jalan Mas, Taman Guan Joo Seng, Japanese Garden, Greenlane, 11600, Pulau Pinang.

4] 新春团圆晚宴  CNY Potluck Reunion Dinner
日期  Date: 19 / 01 / 2020 (星期日  Sunday)
时间  Time: 7 - 10 pm
地点  Venue: Pavilion of Dewan JKKK Island Park, Jalan Mas, Taman Guan Joo Seng, Japanese Garden, Greenlane, 11600, Pulau Pinang.

5] 已取消四月份清明节捐血运动,诵念弥陀宝忏及佛法讲座会 
Cancelled Cheng Beng Blood Donation Campaign, Mahayana Buddhist Chanting, Dhamma Talk in memory of Departed Ones
日期  Date:  /  /  (星期六  Saturday)
时间  Time: 09:00 am - 01:00 pm
下午  04:00 pm - 诵念弥陀宝忏  Mahayana Buddhist Chanting
晚上八点佛法讲座会  Dhamma Talk at 08:00 pm
地点  Venue: Pavilion of Dewan JKKK Island Park, Jalan Mas, Taman Guan Joo Seng, Japanese Garden, Greenlane, 11600, Pulau Pinang.

6] 已取消四月份清明节袈裟供僧大法会  
Cancelled Cheng Beng Phapa (Robes Offering) Ceremony in memory of Departed Ones in April
日期  Date:  /  /  (Sunday) 
时间  Time: 07:30 am - 01:00 pm
地点  Venue: Pavilion of Dewan JKKK Island Park, Jalan Mas, Taman Guan Joo Seng, Japanese Garden, Greenlane, 11600, Pulau Pinang.

7] 七月至十月一年一度僧伽三个月雨安居日
Yearly 3 Months of Monks’ Vassa (Rain Retreat) in July – October.
Date: 05/07/2020 (Sunday) up to 01/10/2020 (Thursday) 

8] 十月份捐血运动, 诵念弥陀宝忏及佛法讲座会 (暂时还没确定)
Blood Donation Campaign & Mahayana Buddhist Chanting & Dhamma Talk in October in memory of Departed Ones (Not Yet Confirmed).
日期 Date: 03 / 10 / 2020 (星期六 Saturday)
时间 Time: 09:00 am - 01:00 pm
下午 04:00 pm - 诵念弥陀宝忏 Mahayana Buddhist Chanting
晚上八点佛法讲座会 Dhamma Talk at 08:00 pm
地点 Venue: Pavilion of Dewan JKKK Island Park, Jalan Mas, Taman Guan Joo Seng, Japanese Garden, Greenlane, 11600, Pulau Pinang.

9] 十月份袈裟供僧大法会 (暂时还没确定)
Phapa (Robes Offering) Ceremony in memory of Departed Ones in October (Not Yet Confirmed)
日期  Date: 04 / 10 / 2020 (Sunday)
时间  Time: 07:30 am - 01:00 pm
地点  Venue: Pavilion of Dewan JKKK Island Park, Jalan Mas, Taman Guan Joo Seng, Japanese Garden, Greenlane, 11600, Pulau Pinang.

