
履历及学历 Curriculum Vitae

巴利文法名: Dr. Bhante Pannasami
联络电话:017 - 6833442
面子书:Mahabodhi Sanctuary
临时住址:8 - J, Lorong Delima 20, Gelugor, 11700, Pulau Pinang.

-1989 年二月依止 苏哇諾尊者 (Bhante Suvanno) 在槟城弥陀寺出家受沙弥戒,同年四月依止緬甸禅师 悟. 阿伽達摩尊者 (Sayadaw U. Aggadhamma) 在槟城马来西亚佛教坐禅中心受比丘戒。
-1990 年亲近著名緬甸禅师 悟.般諦达尊者 (Sayadaw U.Pandita)在槟城马来西亚佛教坐禅中心精进修习智慧禅i。
-1991 年前往斯里兰卡 (Sri Lanka) 研修上座部佛教以及巴利文經典。
-2002年 担任檀香寺主办的国际佛教大学佛学讲师以及马来西亚佛学院学务主任兼佛学讲师。
-2003年 再度前往印度继续攻读印度哲学以及佛教哲学博士学位。
-2005年六月至 2007年一月 担任印度英语及外语学院和印度亚贷网络私人有限公司中文教师。
- 2008 年至2009年四月曾担任槟城双庆竹林禅寺周一佛学讲师,槟城爱莲玉佛教中心周二佛学班讲师以及周五禅修班导师。
- 2008年至2009年担任马来西亚佛学院佛学讲师。
- 2009年五月至2011年五月担任槟城般若精舍周三佛学班讲师及周四禅修班导师。
- 2011年五月至2012年二月担任马来西亚慧根菩提佛教会周二佛学班讲师及周五禅修班导师。
- 2012年二月至2020年担任马来西亚慧根菩提佛教会禅修班导师以及周四佛学班讲师。
- 2020年三月开始脸书直播佛法分享至今。
- 2022年担任马来西亚慧根菩提佛教会周四佛学班讲师。
- 专长:上座部佛教哲学与思想及内观禅修法。

-1992年 毕业于斯里兰卡佛教巴利语大学考获 佛学系 文凭班 (Diploma in Buddhism)。
-1997年 毕业于斯里兰卡佛教巴利語大学考获 佛学系 学士学位 (B. A. Degree)。
-2000年 毕业于印度普納大学考获 梵文系 碩士学位 (M. A. Degree)。
-2003年 毕业于 印度 迪喇玛哈拉斯特毕佳比 (Tilak Maharasthra Vidyapee) 大学考获 社会学 碩士学位 (M. A. Sociology)。
-2007年 毕业于印度普納大学考获 梵文系 博士学位 (Ph.D.)。

Name : (Pali) Dr. Bhante Pannasami
Name (Chinese): Hui Zhe Fa Shi
The Abbot & President of Malaysia Mahabodhi Sanctuary Buddhist Association
Tel. :04 – 6681270 / 017 - 6833442
Facebook: Mahabodhi Sanctuary
Temporary Address:8 - J, Lorong Delima 20, Gelugor, 11700, Penang.

-He became a novice (Samanera) under Bhante Suvanno at Mi Tor Si Temple, Ayer Itam, Penang in 1989, February and in April he got higher ordination as a Bhikkhu under Sayadaw U. Aggadhamma at Malaysian Buddhist Meditation Centre, Penang.
-In 1990 he followed the intensive course of Vipassana Meditation under the well-known Burmese meditation instructor Sayadaw U. Pandita at Malaysian Buddhist meditation Centre, Penang.
-In 1991 he went to Sri Lanka for the study of Theravada Buddhism and Pali Texts.
-In July 1997 he went to Pune, India for the study of Buddhist Philosophy and Indian Philosophy
-In 2002 he became a Dharma lecturer of International Buddhist College under Than Hsiang Temple as well as a Dharma lecturer and Director of Students’ Affairs of Malaysian Buddhist Institute, Penang.
-In 2003 he went back to Pune, India for further study of Ph. D. Degree.
-From June, 2005 up to January 2007 he became a Chinese teacher of Orian Institute of English & Foreign Languages as well as Airtight Network Pvt. Limited, Pune, India.
-In 2008 – 2009 he was the Monday Dharma Class Lecturer of Shuang Qing Zhu Lin Si Temple, Perak Road, Penang, and the Tuesday Dharma Class Lecturer and Friday Meditation Class Instructor of Persatuan Buddhist Island Glades, Penang.
- He was the Buddhist Lecturer of Malaysian Buddhist Institute, Penang in 2008 - 2009.
- From May 2009 up to May 2011 he was the Wednesday Dharma Class Lecturer and Thursday Meditation Class Instructor of Prajna Lodge, Penang.
- From May 2011 up to February 2012 he was the Tuesday Dhamma Class Lecturer and Friday Meditation Class Instructor of M'sia Mahabodhi Sanctuary Buddhist Association, Penang.
- From February 2012 up to 2020 he has been the Instructor of Meditation Class and also the Lecturer of Dhamma Class on every Thursday of M'sia Mahabodhi Sanctuary Buddhist Association, Penang.
- From 2020 March up to the present day Facebook Live Broadcast for Dhamma Talks.
- In 2022 the Lecturer of Dhamma Class on every Thursday of M'sia Mahabodhi Sanctuary Buddhist Association, Penang.
-Specialization: Theravada Buddhist Philosophy & Theory & Vipassana Meditation.

-In 1992 he completed the course of Diploma in Buddhism under Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka.
-In 1997 he completed the Honour Degree of B.A. under Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka.
-In 2000 he completed the M.A. Degree in Sanskrit under University of Pune, India.
-In 2003, May he completed another M.A. Degree in Sociology under the Deemed University – Tilak Maharasthra Vidyapee.
-In 2007, January he completed his Ph. D. Degree in Sanskrit under University of Pune, India.

