
Offering of Building Fund on 1/1/2021


The whole day's work depends on a good start in the morning. The whole year's work depends on a good start in Spring.

2021年1月1日布施建设基金已公开给大众参与。您们可以上网把您们的建设基金直接汇进以下摩诃菩提银行户口,然后把汇款凭据寄到慧者法师个人的 WhatsApp (017-6833442):

The door is open for all devotees to offer Building Fund on 1/1/2021. You all can bank in your Building Fund on line to the following Mahabodhi Bank Account & send your bank slip to Bhante's WhatsApp (017-6833442):

Public Bank


Acc. No.: 31817-747-03


Donation is as you wish, not by force. Donation for Building Fund is similar to donation for Lodging/Residence.


By the merit of offering may all donors obtain the release of suffering, lamentation, sadness, sickness, danger & karmic creditors as well as to gain blessing & prosperity in 2021 ! Sadhu ! 3x


May Triple Gem bless you all Happy New Year, Be Ever Healthy & Blessed !

法句经:第 116 

Dhammapada: 116 th Verse
Hasten to do good; Restrain your mind from evil. He who is slow in doing good, his mind delights in evil.

法句经:第 177 


Dhammapada: 177 th Verse

Indeed, misers do not go to the abode of the devas (gods); fools do not praise charity; but the wise rejoice in charity and so gain happiness in the life hereafter.


法句经:第 106 

Dhammapada: 106 th Verse
Month after month for a hundred years, one may make offerings (to ordinary people) to the value of a thousand Kahapanas; yet if, only for a moment one pays homage to a bhikkhu who has practised Insight Development, this homage is, indeed, better than a hundred years of making offerings (to ordinary people).

法句经:第 107 

Dhammapada: 107 th Verse
For a hundred years, a man may tend the sacred fire in the forest: yet if, only for a moment, one pays homage to a bhikkhu who has practised Insight Development, this homage is, indeed, better than a hundred years of making sacrifices (in fire-worship).

法句经:第 108 

Dhammapada: 108 th Verse

In this world, one may make sacrificial offerings, great and small, all the year round, in order to gain merit; all these offerings are not worth a quarter of the merit gained by worshipping the Noble Ones (Ariyas) who walk the right path.


雨安居日 Vassa

截止日期 Deadline: 31 - 8 - 2020 (周一  Monday)

神圣活动:一年一度南传佛教僧伽雨安居日 (Vassa)
日期:2020  07 月05 日 至 10  01 
Holy Event: Yearly Theravada Monks’ Rain Retreat (Vassa)
Date: 05 – 07 – 2020 up to 01 – 10 – 2020

热烈诚邀各界佛友发心踊跃加入三个月僧伽雨安居护僧团,护持供养,广种福田。善哉 3x

All devotees are cordially invited to join in 3 Months Monks’ Rain Retreat (Vassa) Supporting Group and give your full support to the monks’ daily needs during 3 months’ Vassa and at the same time to enhance your merit of supporting & offering. 
Sadhu ! 3x

三个月雨安居护僧基金:马币 一百元 (大约每日一元二角)
3 Months Vassa Fund: RM 100 /= (Around RM 1.20 per day)

Those who wish to donate Vassa Fund, please contact:

Bhante Paññasami  (017 - 6833442)
Sis. Lye Har  (012 - 4510377)
Sis. Maggie Tan (016 - 4171558)
Sis. Ek Ling  (016 - 4911492)
Bro. Oon (012 - 4359392)

法句经:第 116 

Dhammapada: 116 th Verse
Hasten to do good; Restrain your mind from evil. He who is slow in doing good, his mind delights in evil.

法句经:第 177 

Dhammapada: 177 th Verse
Indeed, misers do not go to the abode of the devas (gods); fools do not praise charity; but the wise rejoice in charity and so gain happiness in the life hereafter.


法句经:第 106 

Dhammapada: 106 th Verse
Month after month for a hundred years, one may make offerings (to ordinary people) to the value of a thousand Kahapanas; yet if, only for a moment one pays homage to a bhikkhu who has practised Insight Development, this homage is, indeed, better than a hundred years of making offerings (to ordinary people).

法句经:第 107 

Dhammapada: 107 th Verse
For a hundred years, a man may tend the sacred fire in the forest: yet if, only for a moment, one pays homage to a bhikkhu who has practised Insight Development, this homage is, indeed, better than a hundred years of making sacrifices (in fire-worship).

法句经:第 108 

Dhammapada: 108 th Verse
In this world, one may make sacrificial offerings, great and small, all the year round, in order to gain merit; all these offerings are not worth a quarter of the merit gained by worshipping the Noble Ones (Ariyas) who walk the right path.


Special Announcement 特别通告

The World Health Organisation (WHO) had declared the COVID-19 Virus a Global Pandemic and the Health Ministry has urged that all mass gatherings should be postponed. It is every person's responsibility to prevent the outbreak of COVID-19 Virus. Mahabodhi committees decided to cancel Mahabodhi Cheng Beng Activities in April. So this year there will be no Mahabodhi Cheng Beng Activities in April. Any inconvenience caused is regretted. Sadhu !

隨着世界衛生組織將新冠肺炎疫情定性為"全球大流行"后,衛生部也要求各界展延所有群聚活動,包括教会与祈禱活动。防疫爆发,人人有责。摩诃菩提委员已决定取消四月份清明节大型活动,所以今年就没有主办任何摩诃菩提清明节大型活动。不便之處請見諒。善哉 !

Remarks: Those devotees who have registered the offering of 8 Requisites, Robes, etc. are kindly requested to contact Bhante Pannasami for refund or for donating Building Fund.

备注: 那些佛友已经登记要布施八资具和袈裟等,请本身联络慧者法师退款或转捐建设基金


Cancelled Cheng Beng Phapa Ceremony 已取消清明节帕巴袈裟供僧大法会

筹募建设基金  Building Fund Raising

Cancelled Cheng Beng Phapa Robes & Requisites Offering to Maha-sangha in memory of Departed Ones

日期  Date:  /  /   (星期日  Sunday)
地点  Venue:  Pavilion of Dewan JKKK Island Park, Japanese Garden, Jalan Mas, Taman Guan Joo Seng, Greenlane, 11600, Penang. 

Organizer: Malaysia Mahabodhi Sanctuary Buddhist Association


Objective: Phapa Robes Offering Ceremony is a festival for descendents to remember and show respect for the deceased. Buddhists would also perform filial piety chanting ceremonies to express their gratitude for their ancestors, the Triple Gem, teachers and all sentient beings. This ceremony sets many offering for deceased. Phapa Robes Offering Ceremony is aimed at transferring these enormous merits to the ancestors, thus removing their karmic hindrances and help them to transcend to the higher realms and eventually to the cessation of suffering.

清明节帕巴袈裟供僧法会流程    Schedule :
早上  07:30 am : 
早餐供僧   (Breakfast Offering to Maha-sangha)

上午  09:15 am : 
托钵化缘 – 只限干粮  (Pindapata, Alms Round for Dry Food Stuff )

上午  09:45 am : 
慧者博士法师 佛法开示  (Dhamma Talk by Dr. Bhante Pannasami)

上午  10:15 am: 
- 受持三归五戒  (Taking Refuge in Triple Gem & Observance of Five Precepts)
僧众集体诵经祈福保平安   (Maha-sangha’s Chanting for Blessing)
袈裟及必需品供养僧团  (Robes & Requisites Offering to Maha-sangha)
回向功德  (Transference of Merit to Departed Ones & All Living Beings)
僧众及众佛友享用午餐  (Lunch for Maha-sangha & All Devotees)

中午 01:00 pm : 供僧法会 圆满结束  (The End of Robes & Requisites Offering to Maha-sangha)

善哉 3x
All Devotees Are Warmly Welcome To Participate & Accrue Great Merit Wherefrom 
Sadhu ! 3x

For details, please contact:
Dr. Bhante Pannasami   (04 – 6554913 / 017 – 6833442)
Bro. Gim Teik (019 – 4446561) 
Bro. Oon  (012 – 4359392 / 04 – 6564 964)
Sis. Lya Har (012 – 4510377) 
Sis. Ek Ling  (016 – 4911492)
Sis. Maggie Tan (016 - 4171558)

Cancelled Blood Donation Campaign & Lunch Ofering to Sangha 已取消捐血运动及午餐供僧

筹募建设基金  Building Fund Raising

Organizer: Malaysia Mahabodhi Sanctuary Buddhist Association

四月份捐血运动,科技针灸健康检验及治疗,午餐供僧,诵念弥陀宝忏及佛法讲座会由 Katapunna 尊者主讲
Blood Donation Campaign,Accu Pen Health Care & Treatment, Sanghika-dana, Mahayana Buddhist Chanting for Blessing & Dhamma Talk in Hokkien given by Bhante Katapunna in memory of Departed Ones 

日期  Date:  /  /  (星期六 Saturday)
地点 Venue: Dewan JKKK Island Park, Japanese Garden, Jalan Mas, Taman Guan Joo Seng, Greenlane, 11600, Penang.

宗旨:行布施,心欢喜。欢迎符合捐血条件者踊跃前来捐血献爱心。您的爱心献血足于挽救一条宝贵的生命,让生命得以延续!别再犹豫了,让我们一起来捐血救一命。独乐乐不如众乐乐 !善哉 3x

Objective: Charity produces the joy of mind. Warmly welcome all of you who are eligible to donate blood come and show your kindness towards our society. Your kind-hearted blood donation is sufficient to save a valuable life and lengthen a life. Please do not hesitate any more. Let us come together and donate our blood for the sake of saving many lives. The joy of many is better than the joy of one’s own ! Sadhu ! 3x

流程表   Schedule :

上午  09:00 am : 
 (Blood Donation Campaign & Accu Pen Health Care & Treatment, Urine & Blood Pressure Tests)

上午  11:00 am: 
- 求受三归五戒  (Taking Refuge in Triple Gem & Observance of Five Precepts)
僧众集体诵经祈福保平安   (Sangha’s Chanting for Blessing) 
回向功德  (Transference of Merit to Departed Ones & All Beings)
僧众及众佛友享用午餐  (Lunch for Sangha & All Devotees)

中午 01:00 pm : 
捐血运动 圆满结束  
(The End of Blood Donation Campaign)

下午 04:00 pm : 
诵念弥陀宝忏  (Mahayana Buddhist Chanting for Blessing)

晚上 08:00 pm : 
福建话佛法开示  (Hokkien Dhamma Talk)

善哉 3x
All Devotees Are Warmly Welcome To Participate & Accrue Great Merit Wherefrom Sadhu ! 3x

Extra Health Care Services  (健康及保健服务):

Accu Pen Health Care & Treatment 
Charges: On Donation for Building Fund
Time: 09:00 am - 01:00 pm

科技针灸 健康检验及治疗

The Counter for Registration of Organ Donation

For details & blood donation, please contact:
Dr. Bhante Pannasami   (017 – 6833442)
Bro. Gim Teik (019 – 4446561) 
Bro. Oon  (012 – 4359392 / 04 – 6564 964)
Sis. Lya Har (012 – 4510377) 
Sis. Ek Ling  (016 – 4911492)
Sis. Maggie Tan (016 - 4171558)


Buddhist Education In 2020

暂时停止  Temporary Stopped

The Year 2020 Buddhist Education Of Malaysia Mahabodhi Sanctuary Buddhist Association in Penang

禅修班   Meditation Class
每逢星期二   Every Tuesday
晚上八时至十时   8 – 10 pm

晚上八时 - 颂念经文
08:00 pm > Chanting
晚上八时三十分 - 坐禅 
08:30 pm > Sitting Meditation
晚上九时四十五分至十时 - 问与答以及回向 
09:45 - 10.00 pm > QA & Transference of Merit
媒介 Medium: 福建话 / 华语 / 英语  Hokkien / Mandarin / English

禅修导师: 慧者博士法师
Meditation Instructor: Dr. Bhante Pannasami
佛学讲座系列   Series of Dhamma Talks

每逢星期四   Every Thursday
晚上八时至十时   8 – 10 pm

晚上八时 - 颂念经文 
08:00 pm > Chanting
晚上八时三十分 - 佛法开示 
08:30 pm > Dhamma Talk
晚上九时四十五分至十时 - 回向
09:45 - 10:00 pm > Transference of Merit
Dhamma Speaker & Tutor: Dr. Bhante Pannasami
媒介 Medium: 福建话 / 华语 / 英语  Hokkien / Mandarin / English

一) 培养正确的人生观。
二) 获取智慧的正确方法。
三) 建立人际关系的正确途径。
四) 谋求财富的正当途径。
五) 提升个人美好品德的生活准则。
六) 趋向至善至美,快乐人生的指南。

地点 Venue: Pavilion of Dewan JKKK Island Park, Jalan Mas, Taman Guan Joo Seng, Japanese Garden, Greenlane, 11600, Pulau Pinang.

慧者法师 (04 - 668 1270) 
温师兄 (012 - 435 9392)

For details, please contact 
Bhante Pannasami (04 - 668 1270)
Bro. Oon (012 - 435 9392)

欢迎各界有缘佛友踊跃参与,福慧双修,共沾法益,功德无量 !善哉 ! 3x
All Are Welcome to Participate & Accrue Great Merit Wherefrom ! Sadhu ! 3x

Practice of Meditation & Listening to True Dhamma play very important role for a person to accumulate great merits that will support him/her to attain concentration (samaddhi) & wisdom/right view. Without such great merits no any living being will be able to get rid of the cycle of birth & death (samsara)) & continue to be born repeatedly in Samsara facing the suffering of birth, old age, sickness, death, not getting what is wanted, separation from the loved one, encountering what is unpleasant & the five appropriated aggregates endlessly, so let us strike hard for the accumulation of great merits by the practice of meditation & listening to True Dhamma & shorten our life in Samsara & attain nirvana asap. Failing to do so, this is the greatest loss to each individual. Make sure to remember that it is our own responsibility to eat on our own for own stomach full & It is our own responsibilty to end our life in samsara, not others, this is eternal truth ! Sadhu !

禅修和听闻正法扮演重要角色协助一个人累积无上心定和智慧/正见的功德。没有累积此殊胜功德,任何有情众生将无法脱离生死轮回和无了期继续面对生老病死苦, 求不得苦,爱别离苦,怨憎会苦和五阴炽盛苦的折磨。让我们大家一起精进努力通过禅修和听闻正法累积殊胜功德协助我们缩短生死轮回的生命和早日体证涅槃的境界。没有做到这一点是个人人生最大的损失。个人吃饭个人饱,个人生死个人了。这是永恒真理。切记切记 !善哉 !


Building Fund Donors in 2020

The Donors of Malaysia Mahabodhi Sanctuary Buddhist Association’s Building Fund

01. Saw Siew Kooi & Family (02/01/2020)
02. 陈科全合家 (03/01/2020)
03. Candle Lighting (09/01/2020)
04. Koay Keng Hean (19/01/2020)
05. IMO Teoh Chooi Tee & Lee Swee Aik (23/01/2020)
06. IMO Teoh Hai Tek (23/01/2020)
07. Candle Lighting (25/01/2020)
08. Mr & Mrs Yeoh Chuen Jye (28/01/2020)
09. Lim Bee Lay & Family (30/01/2020)
10. Building Fund Box (31/01/2020)
11. Saw Siew Kooi & Family (03/02/2020)
12. Candle Lighting (08/02/2020)
13. CNY Aspiration Tree (09/02/2020)
14. Koay Kean Heng (16/02/2020)
15. Ooi Looi Eng & Family (18/02/2020)
16. Candle Lighting (23/02/2020)
17. Building Fund Box (31/02/2020)
18. Saw Siew Kooi & Family (02/03/2020)
19. Koay Kean Heng (08/03/2020)
20. Candle Lighting (08/03/2020)
21. Tong Family (09/03/2020)
22. Lui Khim Weng & Family (09/03/2020)
23. Saw Kee Siang & Family (09/03/2020)
24. IMO Lim & Tan Ancestors (09/03/2020)
25. 回向 罗万德和吴杏云 (09/03/2020)
26. Maggie Tan Gaik Pheng & Family (11/03/2020)
27. IMO Teoh Moei Eng (11/03/2020)
28. Neoh Ah Geok (16/03/2020)
29. Poon Wei Fong (17/03/2020)
30. Candle Lighting (24/03/2020)
31. IMO Yeoh Swee Cheang (31/03/2020)
32. Building Fund Box (31/03/2020)
33. Saw Siew Kooi & Family (02/04/2020)
34. Koay Kean Heng (04/04/2020)
35. Candle Lighting (07/04/2020)
36. 刘荟俪 (07/04/2020)
37. Lim Siew Kim & Family (17/04/2020)
38. Ooi Soo Eng (17/04/2020)
39. IMO Chong Koi Min @ Chong Kwee Moi (19/04/2020)
40. Candle Lighting  (23/04/2020)
41. Building Fund Box  (30/04/2020)
42. Johor Devotees / Pua Ai Lee (02/05/2020)
43. Yeoh Ee Khoon & Chau Hong Ean  (02/05/2020)
44. Koay Kean Heng  (03/05/2020)
45. Elsha Khoo Li Li  (04/05/2020)
46. Saw Siew Kooi & Family  (04/05/2020)
47. Chiang Lye Har & Family (07/05/2020)
48. Candle Lighting  (07/05/2020)
49. Tan Hock Aun (07/05/2020)
50. Yap Kwee Fong (10/05/2020)
51. Visakha Lee / Loo Hwi Kian (14/05/2020)
52. Candle Lighting (23/05/2020)
53. Building Fund Box (31/05/2020)
54. Saw Siew Kooi & Family (02/06/2020)
55. Maggie Tan Gaik Pheng & Family (05/06/2020)
56. Candle Lighting (06/06/2020)
57. Candle Lighting (21/06/2020)
58. Koay Kean Heng (27/06/2020)
59. Building Fund Box (30/06/2020)
60. Saw Siew Kooi & Family (02/07/2020)
61. Candle Lighting (05/07/2020)
62. Koay Kean Heng (11/07/2020)
63. Building Fund Box (31/07/2020)
64. Koay Kean Heng (01/08/2020)
65. Goh Ai Ting & Family (03/08/2020)
66. Candle Lighting (04/08/2020)
67. Tony Khoo (13/08/2020)
68. Donation Card Serial No.: 284 (14/08/2020)
69. Candle Lighting (19/08/2020)
70. 王梅心合家 (19/08/2020)
71. Donation for Robes & Bowl (23/08/2020)
72. Thu Swee Chu, Peong Mei Chen & Peong Lee Peng (24/08/2020)
73. Quah Ah Hong & Family (24/08/2020)
74. Lok Chun Ghee & Family (24/08/2020)
75. Low Yon Choy (24/08/2020)
76. Evon Loo Lay Pheng & Family (24/08/2020)
77. Chee Yew Meng (24/08/2020)
78. Sulanne Chee Saxian (24/08/2020)
79. Dixon Chee Jian Yuan (24/08/2020)
80. Khan Lay Keow (24/08/2020)
81. Thein Ley Neo & Brenda Wee Ching Wen (24/08/2020)
82. Donation for Robes & Bowls (24/08/2020)
83. Sampanna Wan & Family (25/08/2020)
84. Fong Kun Seng & Family (26/08/2020)
85. AB (26/08/2020)
86. Loo Kuen Feng & Family (26/08/2020)
87. 朱顺福,黄亚妹夫妇 (26/08/2020)
88. Chang Shyh Tsong & Family (27/08/2020)
89. Loo Kuen Feng & Family (27/08/2020)
90. Lee Yoke Kin (27/08/2020)
91. Linda San Bee Fong (27/08/2020)
92. Yoke Chang (27/08/2020)
93. Koh Li Shen (27/08/2020)
94. Ko Ah Tiong (27/08/2020)
95. Lee Siew Yong & Lee beng Chuan (27/08/2020)
96. Tan Kee Beng & Tye Siew Kin (27/08/2020)
97. 已故沈九财 & 陈秋贵夫妇 (28/08/2020)
98. Tan Beng Choo  (28/08/2020)
99. Sim Paik Hong (28/08/2020)
100. Tan Lee In  (30/08/2020)
101. YC Goh & Swan Teh (30/08/2020)
102. Yap Wei Mooi & Wong Foong Yee (31/08/2020)
103. Devotees (31/08/2020)
104. Building Fund Box (31/08/2020)
105. Chan Cheng San & Family (01/09/2020)
106. Candle Lighting (02/09/2020)
107. 谢利山,陈秀暹,谢珺亦和谢競锐  (02/09/2020)
108. 陈佳迅  (02/09/2020)
109. Foo Kee Kei  (02/09/2020)
110. Cha Soon Hoi  (02/09/2020)
111. Foo Hou Chong (02/09/2020)
112. Foo Hou Siang  (02/09/2020)
113. Foo Yang Ling  (02/09/2020)
114. Tan Kok Hooy & Family  (03/09/2020)
115. Goh Way Chan  (03/09/2020)
116. Koay Keng Hean  (05/09/2020)
117. 已故林明月  (05/09/2020)
118. 已故谭益成  (05/09/2020)
119. 已故谭建杰  (05/09/2020)
120. Wong Ge Mooi & Family  (06/09/2020)
121. Wong Mei Fong & Family  (06/09/2020)
122. Loke Sun Cheong  (07/09/2020)
123. Tan Boon Ann & Family  (09/09/2020)
124. Foo Yang Ling  (10/09/2020)
125. Khor Gaik Kian  (11/09/2020)
126. Lim Tan Hua & Family  (11/09/2020)
127. Ooi Thean Choon  (11/09/2020)
128. Kang Bee Hong  (11/09/2020)
129. 已故张成勇  (12/09/2020)
130. Koh Koon Hong, Koh Jia Hua, Koh Jia yean, Koh Zhi Ling & Koh Fei Lin  (12/09/2020)
131. Lew Theng Theng & Family  (12/09/2020)
132. Mickie Cha, Foo Kee Kai, Cha Soon Hoi, Foo En Qi, Foo Zi Xuan & Foo Yang Ling  (12/09/2020)
133. 邹字健,雷桂珍,邹泳恩,邹国睿  (12/09/2020)
134. Woo Hung Har  (12/09/2020)
135. Phang Thiam Yeow  (13/09/2020)
136. Phang Heang Yeow  (13/09/2020)
137. Pang Sieh Yee  (13/09/2020)
138. Paung Kong Yeow  (13/09/2020)
139. Pang Chia Yeow  (13/09/2020)
140. 陈金风  (13/09/2020)
141. Chong Boon Sun & Family  (13/09/2020)
142. Pang Siew It & Family  (13/09/2020)
143. Max Chong Kok Howe, Monica Loi Chiew Peng, Joey Chong Xin Yu & Chloe Chong Xin Tian  (13/09/2020)
144. 吴润滨 & 鲍注兴  (13/09/2020)
145. 邝鼎顺 & 雷秋娣  (13/09/2020)
146. Serena Ng Siew Chuan & Family  (13/09/2020)
147. P'ng Kim Chung & Family  (15/09/2020)
148. Yeoh Chuen Jye (15/09/2020)
149. Khor Siew Poh & Family  (15/09/2020)
150. Lim Chin Hock & Family  (16/09/2020)
151. Phang Thiam Yeow  (16/09/2020)
152. Lim Chin Ming & Family  (16/09/2020)
153. IMO Teh Ban Mooi  (17/09/2020)
154. Ang Poh Geok, Ang Poh Khuan & Ong Ai Ling  (17/09/2020)
155. Candle Lighting  (17/09/2020) 
156. Tan Yoke Mui & Family  (17/09/2020)
157. Lim Mee Yan & Family  (17/09/2020)
158. Leong Teng Kuan, Tew Po Nai & Family  (18/09/2020)
159. Leong Chin Siow, Teoh Khai Chee & Family  (18/09/2020)
160. Loo Boon Hock & Family  (18/09/2020)
161. Tye Se Mun & Family  (18/09/2020)
162. Soo Poh Choo  (18/09/2020)
163. Ow Poh Thye & Family  (18/09/2020)
164. Chang Swee Har & Family  (18/09/2020)
165. Khoo Siew Eng & Family  (21/09/2020)
166. Tan Chin Huat & Tan Chun Meng  (21/09/2020)
167. Saw Siew Kooi & Family  (25/09/2020)
168. Yu Ea Luan  (25/09/2020)
169. Yeap ghim Huat & Family  (26/09/2020)
170. Dhamma Mitta  (29/09/2020)
171. Triple Gem Devotees  (30/09/2020)
172. Mr. Chua Ching Seng  (01/10/2020)
173. Khor Gaik Kian (01/10/2020)
174. San Hee Thai & Family  (02/10/2020)
175. Koay Kean Heng  (03/10/2020)
176. 钟敬全  (04/10/2020)
177. 已故林荣华  (04/10/2020)
178. Gan Wat Chu & Family  (05/10/2020)
179. The person who lost  (06/10/2020)
180. Saw Siew Kooi & Family  (07/10/2020)
181. Ooi Looi Eng & Family  (12/10/2020)
182. Tan Ah Nya, Henry Tan Sing Hwee & Family  (14/10/2020)
183. Phaung Kean Yuen & Family  (15/10/2020)
184. Lew Aik Chien, Law Peng Kwee & Family  (17/10/2020)
185. Dhamma Friends  (17/10/2020)
186. Mahabodhi Dhamma Friends  (19/10/2020)
187. Tan Eng Ing (22/10/2020)
188. Lim King Yong  (22/10/2020)
189. Yu Ea Luan  (22/10/2020)
190. 释惟馨  (23/10/2020)
191. Devotees of Singapore & Malaysia  (24/10/2020)
192. Chong Chee Wah  (27/10/2020)
193. Ng Ah Gaik  (30/10/2020)
194. Chan Kok Lai & Chan Chee Kin  (30/10/2020)
195. Chan Yen Ling  (30/10/2020)
196. Ng Leai Wah  (30/10/2020)
197. IMO Ng Lean Eng  (30/10/2020)
198. Cheah Kwei Sin, Mok weng Choong & Loo Pek Tin  (30/10/2020)
199. Chua & Family (31/10/2020)
200. Candle Lighting (31/10/2020)
201. Building Fund Box (31/10/2020)
202. Saw Siew Kooi & Family (02/11/2020)
203. 善心人士  (03/11/2020)
204. Koay Kean Heng (06/11/2020)
205. Colberh Ooi Kok Kuan (09/11/2020)
206. Lim Aie Chen (09/11/2020)
207. Cindy Tee (09/11/2020)
208. Candle Lighting (15/11/2020)
209. Tee Sew Sa (16/11/2020)
210. 回向张门历代祖先, 张嫩娣和李金妹(24/11/2020) 
211. Yu Ea Luan (25/11/2020)
212. Tuesday Team (27/11/2020)
213. Tan Chooi Lee (27/11/2020)
214. Shahrul (27/11/2020)
215. Koay Ee Sian (28/11/2020)
216. Candle Lighting (29/11/2020)
217. Voon Shiow Fen (30/11/2020)
218. Teoh Soon Aun & Family (31/11/2020)
219. Building Fund Box (30/11/2020)
220. Saw Siew Kooi & Family (02/12/2020)
221. Khoo Siew Eng & Family (02/12/2020)
222. Donation Card Serial No: 285 (03/12/2020)
223. Devotees IMO Ancestors, Karmic Creditors & Living Beings (04/12/2020)
224. Donation For Robe & Bowl (05/12/2020)
225. Chua & Family (06/12/2020)
226. Chng Poh Tin & Family (08/12/2020)
227. 纪细妹 (10/12/2020)
228. Koay Ee Sian (11/12/2020)
229. Ng Ah Gaik (13/12/2020)
330. Chan Yen Ling & Family (13/12/2020)
331. Chan Kok Lai & Chan Chee Kin (13/12/2020)
332. IMO Ng Lean Eng & Chan Kim Bee (13/12/2020)
333. Koay Keng Hean (13/12/2020)
334. Candle Lighting (15/12/2020)
335. Chiang Lye Har & Family (15/12/2020)
336. Chia Ai Yong & Family (19/12/2020)
337. Chia Ai Booi & Family (19/12/2020)
338. 陈玉心合家 (21/12/2020)
339. Chong Chee Wah & Family (21/12/2020)
340. Mickie Cha, Soon Hoi Cha, Foo Yang Ling, Foo Hou Chong & Foo Hou Siang (21/12/2020)
341. Gan Wat Chu & Family (21/12/2020)
342. 许六妹 (22/12/2020)
343. 王莲花合家 (22/12/2020)
345. 孔秀玲合家 (22/12/2020) 
346. 莫伟真合家 (22/12/2020)
347. 黄秀音合家 (22/12/2020)
348. 成秋联合家 (22/12/2020)
349. 许碧华合家 (22/12/2020)
350. 尤征凇,潘莉满合家 (22/12/2020)
351. 黄来清合家 (22/12/2020)
352. 尤凯祥 (22/12/2020)
353. Yu Ea Luan (25/12/2020)
354. Daniel Kho Boi Kee (27/12/2020)
355. IMO Goo Boi Kee (28/12/2020)
356. Candle Lighting (29/12/2020)
357. 黄清福 (29/12/2020)
358. Chong Oi Mei & Family (31/12/2020)
359. Kew Mooi @ Chong Chin Mooi (31/12/2020)
340. Tan Lee San & Family (31/12/2020)
341. Koo Chin Keong (31/12/2020)
342. Lim Chooi Ean (31/12/2020)
343. 无名氏 (31/12/2020)
344. Building Fund Box (31/12/2020)