

2018年槟城摩诃菩提禅修班及佛学课程已在十二月七日 (星期五)成功圆满结束。衷心感恩所有参与的佛友们不弃不离的精神继续支持与参与至成功圆满结束。由于您们的热忱支持与参与,法轮可以继续在世间长转,人天欢喜与赞叹。在此深深的祝福所有参与者永获健康吉祥,速离恶缘,善业速增,修学佛道无障碍,早日解脱生死轮回之苦 !
感恩感德 ! 🙏🙏🙏

Mahabodhi Meditation Class & Dhamma Class in 2018 have come to end successfully on 7/12/2018 (Friday) in Penang. Sincerely being grateful to those devotees for participation without giving up till the end. Because of your excellent effort to support & participate, the Wheel of Dhamma can continue to turn without standstill in the world, all beings rejoice & appreciate highly. Deeply wishing all participants be ever healthy & prosperous, speedy away from evil conditions, increasing good karma at good speed, getting smooth Dhamma practice without obstacles & getting rid of the cycle of birth & dealth as soon as possible !
Maha-sadhu ! 🙏🙏🙏