Organizer: Malaysia Mahabodhi Sanctuary Buddhist Association
Blood Donation Campaign, Lunch Offering to Monks, Mahayana Buddhist Chanting & Hokkien Dhamma Talk in memory of Departed Ones
日期 Date: 05 / 10 / 2013 (星期六 Saturday)
(Chanting by Maha-sangha for Blessings)
- 回向功德
(Transference of Merit to Departed Ones & All Sentient Beings)
- 僧团及众佛友享用午餐
(Lunch for Maha-sangha & All Devotees)
Robes Offering to Maha-sangha in memory of Departed Ones
上午 10:45 am:
(Chanting by Maha-sangha for Blessings)
- 袈裟及必需品供养僧团
(Robes & Requisites Offering to Maha-sangha)
- 回向功德
(Transference of Merit to Departed Ones & All Sentient Beings)
- 僧团及众佛友享用午餐
(Lunch for Maha-sangha & All Devotees)
Organizer: Malaysia Mahabodhi Sanctuary Buddhist Association
Blood Donation Campaign, Lunch Offering to Monks, Mahayana Buddhist Chanting & Hokkien Dhamma Talk in memory of Departed Ones
日期 Date: 05 / 10 / 2013 (星期六 Saturday)
地点 Venue: Rukun Tetangga Pavilion, Jalan Mas, Taman Guan Joo Seng,
Japanese Garden, Greenlane, 11600,
流程表 Schedule:
上午 09:00 am :
(The Start of Blood Donation Campaign)
(The Start of Blood Donation Campaign)
上午 11:15 am:
- 求受三归五戒
(Taking Refuge in Triple Gem & Observance of Five Precepts)
- 法师集体诵经祈福消灾 - 求受三归五戒
(Taking Refuge in Triple Gem & Observance of Five Precepts)
(Chanting by Maha-sangha for Blessings)
- 回向功德
(Transference of Merit to Departed Ones & All Sentient Beings)
- 僧团及众佛友享用午餐
(Lunch for Maha-sangha & All Devotees)
中午 01:00 pm :
(The End of Blood Donation Campaign)
(The End of Blood Donation Campaign)
下午 04:00 pm :
(Mahayana Buddhist Chanting)
(Mahayana Buddhist Chanting)
晚上 08:00 pm :
(Hokkien Dhamma Talk)
(Hokkien Dhamma Talk)
Robes Offering to Maha-sangha in memory of Departed Ones
日期 Date: 06 / 10 / 2013 (星期日 Sunday)
地点 Venue: 同上 (same as above)
袈裟供僧大法会流程表 Schedule:
早上 07:30 am :
(Breakfast Offering to Maha-sangha)
(Breakfast Offering to Maha-sangha)
上午 09:15 am :
托钵化缘 – 只限干粮
(Pindapata, Alms Round for Dry Food Stuff )
托钵化缘 – 只限干粮
(Pindapata, Alms Round for Dry Food Stuff )
上午 10:00 am :
(Dhamma Talk by Dr. Bhante Pannasami)
(Dhamma Talk by Dr. Bhante Pannasami)
上午 10:45 am:
- 受持三归五戒
(Taking Refuge in Triple Gem & Observance of Five Precepts)
- 法师集体诵经祈福消灾 (Taking Refuge in Triple Gem & Observance of Five Precepts)
(Chanting by Maha-sangha for Blessings)
- 袈裟及必需品供养僧团
(Robes & Requisites Offering to Maha-sangha)
- 回向功德
(Transference of Merit to Departed Ones & All Sentient Beings)
- 僧团及众佛友享用午餐
(Lunch for Maha-sangha & All Devotees)
中午 01:00 pm :
(The End of Robes Offering to Maha-sangha)
(The End of Robes Offering to Maha-sangha)
江师兄(016 - 4580 968)或 丽霞师姐(012 - 4510 377)
For details & purchase of robes to offer to Maha-sangha, please contact:
PJK Kang (016 - 4580 968)
江师兄(016 - 4580 968)或 丽霞师姐(012 - 4510 377)
For details & purchase of robes to offer to Maha-sangha, please contact:
PJK Kang (016 - 4580 968)
OR Sis. Lye Har (012 - 4510 377)