Are you suffering from Headache ? Muscle Aches ? Backaches ? Joint Pains ? Leg Pains ? Hand Numb ? Insomnia ? Fatigue ? Diabetes ? Hypertension ? Blood Lipid ? etc….. Nobody likes Pain. Electronic Acupuncture is an effective pain reducing treatment that helps in regulating the flow of blood & vital energy. Say No to Pain, enjoy Accu Pen Health Care & Treatment now.
头痛 ?肌肉酸痛?背痛?关节疼痛?脚痛?手麻?失眠?气虚?三高?血脂?种种身体疼痛及麻痹,。。。等等?没有人喜欢疼痛的感觉。科技针灸的主要作用,是在不吃药及打针的情况下,通过经络调理,调和气血,扶正祛邪而有效解决疼痛问题。
Organiser: Malaysia Mahabodhi Sanctuary Buddhist Association
活动:科技针灸 身体检验及治疗
Activities: Accu Pen Health Care & Treatment
[A] 日期: 每逢 星期六及星期日
Day: Every Saturday & Sunday
时间 Time: 12:30 pm – 02:30 pm
科技针灸师 Accu Pen Masters:
(1) Bro. Lee, (2) Bro. Saw, (3) Bro. William Lim, (4) Bro. Gim Teik, (5) Bro. Oon.
[B] 日期: 每逢 星期一,星期二,星期三及星期五
Day: Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
时间 Time: 12:30 pm - 01:45 pm
科技针灸师 Accu Pen Master:(1) Bro. Oon
[C] 每个早上 Daily Morning
时间 Time: 08:00 am - 09:15 am
科技针灸师 Accu Pen Masters:(1) Bro. Gim Teik,
(2) Sis. Wong
[D] 星期四 休息 Thursday - Off Day
地点 Venue: 8 – J, Lorong Delima 20, 11700, Gelugor, Penang
For details, please contact:
Dr. Bhante Pannasami (04 - 6554913)
Bro. Gim Teik (019 – 4446 561)
Bro. William Lim (012 - 4859911)
Bro. Oon (012 - 6564967 / 04 - 6564964)
Remarks: Perfect Accu Pen is a health maintenance device which is specially crafted according to the theory of Chinese Medicine. Its main functions include detecting, recuperating and protecting. It starts by detecting physical conditions through the palm and ear acupoints, then it will recuperate by smoothing out the meridians and restoring balance to the Qi and blood in your body. All these help strengthen and improve the immune system which in turn helps in maintaining health.
头痛 ?肌肉酸痛?背痛?关节疼痛?脚痛?手麻?失眠?气虚?三高?血脂?种种身体疼痛及麻痹,。。。等等?没有人喜欢疼痛的感觉。科技针灸的主要作用,是在不吃药及打针的情况下,通过经络调理,调和气血,扶正祛邪而有效解决疼痛问题。
Organiser: Malaysia Mahabodhi Sanctuary Buddhist Association
活动:科技针灸 身体检验及治疗
Activities: Accu Pen Health Care & Treatment
[A] 日期: 每逢 星期六及星期日
Day: Every Saturday & Sunday
时间 Time: 12:30 pm – 02:30 pm
科技针灸师 Accu Pen Masters:
(1) Bro. Lee, (2) Bro. Saw, (3) Bro. William Lim, (4) Bro. Gim Teik, (5) Bro. Oon.
[B] 日期: 每逢 星期一,星期二,星期三及星期五
Day: Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
时间 Time: 12:30 pm - 01:45 pm
科技针灸师 Accu Pen Master:(1) Bro. Oon
[C] 每个早上 Daily Morning
时间 Time: 08:00 am - 09:15 am
科技针灸师 Accu Pen Masters:(1) Bro. Gim Teik,
(2) Sis. Wong
[D] 星期四 休息 Thursday - Off Day
地点 Venue: 8 – J, Lorong Delima 20, 11700, Gelugor, Penang
For details, please contact:
Dr. Bhante Pannasami (04 - 6554913)
Bro. Gim Teik (019 – 4446 561)
Bro. William Lim (012 - 4859911)
Bro. Oon (012 - 6564967 / 04 - 6564964)
Remarks: Perfect Accu Pen is a health maintenance device which is specially crafted according to the theory of Chinese Medicine. Its main functions include detecting, recuperating and protecting. It starts by detecting physical conditions through the palm and ear acupoints, then it will recuperate by smoothing out the meridians and restoring balance to the Qi and blood in your body. All these help strengthen and improve the immune system which in turn helps in maintaining health.