
The 5th Anniversary of Robes Offering Ceremony in celebration of Deepavali

活动:第五届屠妖节 袈裟供僧法会庆典
主办单位:马来西亚慧根菩提佛教会 (总会)

日期: 29 – 10 – 2016(星期六)

Event: The 5th Anniversary of Robes Offering Ceremony in celebration of Deepavali
Organizer: Malaysia Mahabodhi Sanctuary Buddhist Association (HQ)

Date: 29 – 10 – 2016 (Saturday)
Time: 07:30 am – 01:00 pm

地点Venue: A 109, No.11, Taman United, Off Jalan Klang, 58200 Kuala Lumpur.

For details & donation of robes, please contact:
Sis. Sundara (016 – 2511 265) OR Sis. Maria (012 – 2117 735)

法会流程表   Schedule :

早上  07:30 am: 早餐供僧  (Breakfast Offering To Monks)

早上 08:15 am: 僧众托钵化缘  (Pindapata, Alms-round of Monks)
托钵地点  Venue: Sepadu 路菜市场  (Nearby Market on Sepadu Road)

上午 10:00 am: 法师 佛法开示  (Dhamma Talk)

上午 10:45 am: 受持 三归五戒 (Taking Refuge in Triple Gem & Observance of Five Precepts)
-   僧众集体 诵经祈福保平安   (Monks’ Chanting for Blessing)
- 袈裟及必须品供养僧众  (Robes & Requisites Offering To Monks)
-   回向功德  (Transference of Merit to Departed Ones & All Beings)
僧众及众佛友 享用午餐  (Lunch for Monks & All Devotees)

中午 01:00 pm: 供僧法会 圆满结束 (The End of Robes & Requisites Ceremony)

