

Year End Dhamma Gathering of Mahabodhi Sanctuary

日期 Date: 25 – 12 – 2011 (星期天 Sunday)

时间 Time: 晚上 08.15 pm – 10.00 pm

地点 Venue: 慧根菩提苑教育中心
Mahabodhi Sanctuary's Education Centre (32, Lintang Mas, Japanese Garden, Island Park, 11600, Penang)


Objectives: Sharing our Buddhist knowledge & experiences, the future perspective of Buddhism, discussing how to propagate Buddhism in the modern society under Mahabodhi Sanctuary, etc. etc …

Bhante Pannasami, Bhante Saddhasiri 及 Bhante Sujivo 将来出席与我们分享。
3 Monks - Bhante Pannasami, Bhante Saddhasiri & Bhante Sujivo will be present & share this gathering. Sadhu ! 3x

欢迎各位佛友携带亲戚朋友踊跃参与,也可顺便携带食物及饮品与其他佛友分享结缘。善哉 !3x

Warmly welcome all of you with your relatives & friends to participate. You are also welcome to bring foods & drinks to share with other devotees.

Sadhu !3x

以此善行之功德,愿你们大家早日解脱生死轮回之苦 !

By this wholesome act May you all be well & happy & attain Nibbana as soon as possible ! Sadhu ! 3x

