
2010年慧者16天尼泊尔–印度朝圣之旅 2010 Pannasami 16 Days Nepal-India Pilgrimage Trip

Date 日期:1 – 16 / 12 / 2010
Age 年龄:公开 Open to All
旅费 Charges: RM. 7500
报名截止 Deadline: 15 – 08 – 2010
定银 Deposit: RM. 3000
欲知详情,請联络 For details, please contact:
慧者法师 Dr. Bhante Pannasami (017 - 6833442)
Address: 般若精舍 Prajna Lodge. 14–A, Mount Erskine Road, 10470, Penang.
Email: pannasami@hotmail.com
Sis. Sundara Chan (016 - 2511265)
Address: 521A, Jalan Riang 12, Happy Garden, 58200,
Kuala Lumpur.

将由专业领导者 慧者博士法师 带领,讲解每个圣地的点点滴滴以及路途随缘佛法开示。席位有限,无保留权。先报名先得,只要他/她已预付定银。

This pilgrimage trip is led by the expert Dr. Bhante Pannasami who will explain the details of all Buddhist places and give Dhamma Talks wherever necessary on the way. No reservation is available. It is on the basis of first come first serve. Whoever is ready to pay the deposit will get the seat first.

欢迎各界佛友踊跃参与此朝圣团,共占法益 !

All Are Welcome To Join The Trip ! Sadhu ! 3x

人数已满,所以报名已停止。Seat is fully booked,so no more registration. Sadhu ! 3x

