
Nepal-India Buddhist Pilgrimage Tour in 2023

日期:07 - 21 / 12 / 2024  (十五日)

最少参与者人数:17 位
最多参与者人数:35 位


Event: Nepal-India Buddhist Pilgrimage Tour in 2024
Date: 07 - 21 / 12 / 2024  (15 Days)
Age: Open To All who are physically & mentally healthy & interested
Total Charges: Exclusive of International Return Air Tickets, Nepal & India Visa Fee & Travel Insurance Fee.

Registration Deadline: Till the Seats FULL
Min. numbers of pilgrims: 17
Max. numbers of pilgrims: 35

Organiser: Malaysia Mahabodhi Sanctuary Buddhist Association

欲知详情,请联络   For details, please contact:
Dr. Bhante Pannasami (槟城  Penang)
Mobile: 017 - 6833442  (WhatsApp / WeChat)
Email: pannasami@hotmail.com

此朝圣团将由专业领导者 慧者博士法师 带领,讲解每个圣地的点点滴滴以及每日路途车上随缘佛法开示。席位有限,无保留权。先报名先得。

This Pilgrimage Tour is led by the expert Dr. Bhante Pannasami who will explain the details of all Buddhist places & give Dhamma Talks wherever necessary on the way daily in the bus. No reservation is available. It is on the basis of first come first serve.


Tentative Itinerary is subject to change without prior notice

Penang Pilgrims’s Assemble at Penang Intl Airport to KLIA. Penang Intl Airport, KLIA & Kathmandu Tribhuvan Intl Airport. Upon arrival you will be met and proceed to Kathmandu.

O/N Hotel

第一天旅程:槟城 / 吉隆坡 / 加德满都


Itinerary of Day 2: KATHMANDU / LUMBINI (B.L.D)  
Breakfast at hotel and transfer to Kathmandu Domestic Airport. After lunch in Lumbini, proceed to visit Ramagrama Stupa, one of the Buddha's Relic Stupa in Lumbini & visit Kudan that is the holy place where the Buddha met his father, step mother, wife & son for the first time after enlightenment & finally visiting Niglihawa that is identified with the holy place where Kanakamuni Buddha was born. He was one of the five Buddhas supposed to have preceded Sakyamuni Buddha & back for dinner & rest. Overnight at Hotel.

第二天旅程:加德满都 / 蓝毗尼 (早午晚餐)



Itinerary of Day 3: LUMBINI / KAPILAVASTU / LUMBINI    (B.L.D)

At 5:45 am proceed to Lumbini Garden for chanting & meditation & then return to hotel for Breakfast. After breakfast again proceed to visit Lumbini Garden, Ashoka Pillar, Maya Devi Temple, Marked Stone of Exact Spot of Buddha’s Birth-place, Puskarni Pond and also visit Eternal Flame, Tibetan Monastery and Japanese World Peace Stupa. After lunch proceed to visit Kapilavastu in Nepal – the hometown of the Buddha estimating 1½  hrs journey - 35 km and back for dinner & rest.

O/N Hotel  
第三天旅程:毗尼 / 迦毗罗卫国 / 蓝毗尼  (早午餐)

清晨五时三刻前往朝拜蓝毗尼园,做早课和静坐。然后回宾馆用早餐。早餐后再次前往朝拜佛陀的出生地 - 蓝毗尼园。蓝毗尼园内有一摩耶夫人庙。庙内墙上有摩耶夫人在树下诞生悉达多太子的立像及太子的脚印。此外还有著名的阿育王石柱。过后前往拜访不灭火焰,西藏佛寺及日本世界和平塔。午餐后参观尼泊尔迦毗罗卫国遗址太子故乡等,大约三十五公里,一小时半路程。过后返回宾馆用晚餐


Itinerary of Day 4: LUMBINI / SRAVASTI   (B.L.D)

5:30 am Breakfast and then travel to Nepal/India border for immigration formalities. Then proceed to Sravasti estimating 6 hrs journey through the fertile land of UP, India and also enjoy the natural scene of Nepal/India along the way. Having lunch at Hotel, then proceed to Sravasti and visit Jetavana Monastery, Ananda Bodhi Tree, Gandhakuti, Kosambi Kuti, Buddhist Stupas & excavations, Angulimala Stupa & Anathapindika Stupa and then back for dinner & rest.

O/N Hotel 
第四天旅程:蓝毗尼 / 舍卫城 (早午晚餐)



Itinerary of Day 5: SRAVASTI / KUSHINAGAR (Estimating 6 & half hrs. journey ~ 250 km) (B.L.D)
5:30 am Breakfast, then proceed to Kushinagar & enjoy the natural scene along the way. After lunch, proceed to visit Mahaparinirvana Temple, Mahaparinirvana Stupa, Rambhar Stupa - cremation site of the Buddha & Mathakuar Shrine.
O/N Hotel

第五天旅程:舍卫城 / 拘尸那罗 (早午晚餐)(估计六小时半路程 ~ 大约二百五十公里)

Itinerary of Day 6: KUSHINAGAR / RAJGIR (B.L.D)
6 am Breakfast, then proceed to Rajgir via Vaishali where the Buddha told his followers that he would soon attain parinirvana, a place where monkeys offered honey to the Buddha, a place of establishing Bhikkhuni Sasana, the Buddha's Relic Stupa, Ashoka Pillar, Monkey's Tank (Ramakunda), Ashoka Stupa, continue to Rajgir & enjoy the natural scene along the way.
O/N Hotel

第六天旅程:拘尸那罗 / 王舍城(早午晚餐)

6 am Breakfast, then visit Bamboo Grove (Veluvana) & Karanda Tank, Bimbisara Jail, going up to the top of the Hill by Cable Car to visit the World Peace Stupa, Japenese Temple, Vulture Peak, Caves of Ven. Sariputta & Ananda. After lunch, proceed to visit Nalanda - the ruins of the world earliest university & continue to Bodhgaya enjoying the natural scene along the way.
O/N Vietnamese Temple OR Hotel

第七天旅程:王舍城 / 竹林精舍 / 灵鹫山 / 那烂陀 / 菩提伽耶(早午晚餐)

Itinerary of Day 8: BODHGAYA (Breakfast & Lunch) (Observation of 8 Precepts)
4:45 am proceed to Mahabodhi Temple for meditation & taking 8 Precepts, then back to Vietnaese Temple for breakfast at 7 am. After breakfast, again visit Mahabodhi Temple where the Buddha attained enlightenment under the Bodhi Tree, Ashoka Pillar, Seven Holy Places where the Buddha spent after enlightenment & visiting International Buddhist Temples as Japanese Temple, ibetan Temple, etc. After lunch, visit Pragbodhi Mountain (Dungeshwari) where Prince Siddharta practised self mortification for 6 years along the way Niranjan River is seen & visit Sujata Garh & Sujata Temple & then back to Bodhgaya.
O/N Vietnamese Temple OR Hotel

第八天旅程:菩提迦耶  (早午餐)(受持八关斋戒)

Itinerary of Day 9: BODHGAYA / SARNATH / VARANASI  (B.L.D)
6 am Breakfast, then proceed to Varanasi enjoying the natural scene along the way estimating 250 km 6 & half hrs. journey. After lunch, proceed to visit Sarnath, Dhamek Stupa where the Buddha gave his first sermon to 5 ascetics, a place of establishing Bhikkhu-sasana & Triple Gem, Mulagandhakuti, Ashoka Pillar, Deer Park, Sarnath Archeological Museum, Mulagandhakuti Vihara & also shop at the Buddhist Art Shop.
O/N Hotel

第九天旅程:菩提迦耶 / 鹿野苑 / 瓦那奈斯(早午晚餐)
清晨六时早餐。过后前往瓦那奈斯,沿途浏览印度的原始风光。午餐后参观鹿野苑 - 初转法轮地,三宝具足地及佛教起源地。体验佛陀成道后从菩提伽耶步行到鹿野苑,目的是度化五位伴随他苦修了六年的侍从人员。朝拜达美克塔,法王塔,阿育王石柱,僧院遗址,五比丘迎佛塔,摩犍陀俱提僧院,博物馆等,也在一间佛教艺术商店购物

Itinerary of Day 10: VARANASI / LUCKNOW (B.L.D) (Packed Lunch) (Estimating 10 hrs. journey - 280 km)
At 5 am proceed to the River Ganges, visit the Bathing Ghats, Cremation Ghats on boat & see the Sun-rise if weather allowed. After that, return to Hotel for breakfast & then proceed to Lucknow enjoying the natural scene along the way. Packed lunch is served on the way & arrive late in the evening for dinner & rest.
O/N Hotel

第十天旅程:瓦那奈斯 / 勒克瑙(早午晚餐)[打包午餐] (估计十小时路程 ~ 大约二百八十公里)

Itinerary of Day 11: LUCKNOW / SANKASIA / AGRA  (B.L.D)
5 am Breakfast, then proceed to Sankasia. Sankasia is believed to be the place where the Buddha descended after giving sermons to his mother in heaven. Visit the broken Ashoka Column with Elephant Capital & the Site where the Buddha descended from Heaven, Temple of Vishali Goddess & Hanuman Temple. After lunch proceed to Agra enjoying the natural scene along the way.
O/N Hotel

第十一天旅程:勒克瑙 / 僧迦施 / 阿格拉 (早午晚餐)

Itinerary of Day 12: AGRA (B.L.D)
7 am Breakfast, then visit the Taj Mahal which is one of the 7 Wonders of the modern world & is the most extravagant monument ever made for love. After lunch proceed to visit Red Fort which has been the seat of Mughal rulers for several years. The Agra Fort has palaces with pavilions, gardens, mosques, baths, etc. & then go for shopping in Agra in the evening.
O/N Hotel

第十二天旅程:阿格拉 (早午晚餐)

Itinerary of Day 13: AGRA / NEW DELHI  (B.L.D)
6:30 am Breakfast, then proceed to New Delhi estimating 6 hrs. journey & sharing of Pilgrimage experiences in the bus. After lunch in New Delhi, proceed to go for shopping at Janpath Market, Cannaught Place, New Delhi.
O/N Hotel

第十三天旅程:阿格拉 / 新德里(早午晚餐)

Itinerary of day 14 & 15: NEW DELHI / KUALA LUMPUR / PENANG

7:30 am breakfast, then proceed to visit Lotus Temple, Location of International Embassy, India Gate, etc. & enjoy seeing the natural scene of New Delhi, etc. along the way. After Lunch, visit Hindu Temple, etc. After dinner straight to the Delhi Intl Airport for our Flight back to Malaysia.

By the merit accrued from Pilgrimage Tour May all Pilgrims gain the cessation of suffering asap !

Sadhu !
第十四和第十五天天旅程:新德里 / 吉隆坡 / 槟城(早午餐)


诚心祝福所有朝圣者以此朝圣之功德早日解脱生死轮回之苦。善哉 ! 3x


Buddhist Education 佛学教育

福建话佛学讲座系列 (公开给大众)

Series of Dhamma Talks in Hokkien (Open To All)

每逢星期四   Every Thursday
晚上八时至十时   8 – 10 pm

晚上八时 - 颂念经文 
08:00 pm > Chanting
晚上八时三十分 - 佛法开示 
08:30 pm > Dhamma Talk
晚上九时四十五分至十时 - 回向
09:45 - 10:00 pm > Transference of Merit
Dhamma Speaker & Tutor: Bhante Paññāsami
媒介 Medium: 福建话

地点 Venue: 
Pavilion of Dewan MPKK Island Park, Jalan Mas, Taman Guan Joo Seng, Japanese Garden, Greenlane, 11600, Pulau Pinang  (槟城青草巷日本花园)。

慧者法师 (017 - 683 3442) - WhatsApp
温师兄 (012 - 435 9392) - WhatsApp

For details, please contact 
Bhante Paññāsami (017 - 683 3442) - WhatsApp
Bro. Oon (012 - 435 9392) - WhatsApp


Maha-sadhu to you all for assisting the Turn of Dhamma Wheel. By the merit of this wholesome act may you all gain all blessings, get rid of all evil conditions, obtain the release of suffering, lamentation, sadness, sickness, danger, karmic creditors & to gain blessing & prosperity as well as to attain the highest bliss of Nirvana as soon as possible ! Sadhu ! 3x


Offering of Building Fund on 1/1/2021


The whole day's work depends on a good start in the morning. The whole year's work depends on a good start in Spring.

2021年1月1日布施建设基金已公开给大众参与。您们可以上网把您们的建设基金直接汇进以下摩诃菩提银行户口,然后把汇款凭据寄到慧者法师个人的 WhatsApp (017-6833442):

The door is open for all devotees to offer Building Fund on 1/1/2021. You all can bank in your Building Fund on line to the following Mahabodhi Bank Account & send your bank slip to Bhante's WhatsApp (017-6833442):

Public Bank


Acc. No.: 31817-747-03


Donation is as you wish, not by force. Donation for Building Fund is similar to donation for Lodging/Residence.


By the merit of offering may all donors obtain the release of suffering, lamentation, sadness, sickness, danger & karmic creditors as well as to gain blessing & prosperity in 2021 ! Sadhu ! 3x


May Triple Gem bless you all Happy New Year, Be Ever Healthy & Blessed !

法句经:第 116 

Dhammapada: 116 th Verse
Hasten to do good; Restrain your mind from evil. He who is slow in doing good, his mind delights in evil.

法句经:第 177 


Dhammapada: 177 th Verse

Indeed, misers do not go to the abode of the devas (gods); fools do not praise charity; but the wise rejoice in charity and so gain happiness in the life hereafter.


法句经:第 106 

Dhammapada: 106 th Verse
Month after month for a hundred years, one may make offerings (to ordinary people) to the value of a thousand Kahapanas; yet if, only for a moment one pays homage to a bhikkhu who has practised Insight Development, this homage is, indeed, better than a hundred years of making offerings (to ordinary people).

法句经:第 107 

Dhammapada: 107 th Verse
For a hundred years, a man may tend the sacred fire in the forest: yet if, only for a moment, one pays homage to a bhikkhu who has practised Insight Development, this homage is, indeed, better than a hundred years of making sacrifices (in fire-worship).

法句经:第 108 

Dhammapada: 108 th Verse

In this world, one may make sacrificial offerings, great and small, all the year round, in order to gain merit; all these offerings are not worth a quarter of the merit gained by worshipping the Noble Ones (Ariyas) who walk the right path.


雨安居日 Vassa

截止日期 Deadline: 31 - 8 - 2020 (周一  Monday)

神圣活动:一年一度南传佛教僧伽雨安居日 (Vassa)
日期:2020  07 月05 日 至 10  01 
Holy Event: Yearly Theravada Monks’ Rain Retreat (Vassa)
Date: 05 – 07 – 2020 up to 01 – 10 – 2020

热烈诚邀各界佛友发心踊跃加入三个月僧伽雨安居护僧团,护持供养,广种福田。善哉 3x

All devotees are cordially invited to join in 3 Months Monks’ Rain Retreat (Vassa) Supporting Group and give your full support to the monks’ daily needs during 3 months’ Vassa and at the same time to enhance your merit of supporting & offering. 
Sadhu ! 3x

三个月雨安居护僧基金:马币 一百元 (大约每日一元二角)
3 Months Vassa Fund: RM 100 /= (Around RM 1.20 per day)

Those who wish to donate Vassa Fund, please contact:

Bhante Paññasami  (017 - 6833442)
Sis. Lye Har  (012 - 4510377)
Sis. Maggie Tan (016 - 4171558)
Sis. Ek Ling  (016 - 4911492)
Bro. Oon (012 - 4359392)

法句经:第 116 

Dhammapada: 116 th Verse
Hasten to do good; Restrain your mind from evil. He who is slow in doing good, his mind delights in evil.

法句经:第 177 

Dhammapada: 177 th Verse
Indeed, misers do not go to the abode of the devas (gods); fools do not praise charity; but the wise rejoice in charity and so gain happiness in the life hereafter.


法句经:第 106 

Dhammapada: 106 th Verse
Month after month for a hundred years, one may make offerings (to ordinary people) to the value of a thousand Kahapanas; yet if, only for a moment one pays homage to a bhikkhu who has practised Insight Development, this homage is, indeed, better than a hundred years of making offerings (to ordinary people).

法句经:第 107 

Dhammapada: 107 th Verse
For a hundred years, a man may tend the sacred fire in the forest: yet if, only for a moment, one pays homage to a bhikkhu who has practised Insight Development, this homage is, indeed, better than a hundred years of making sacrifices (in fire-worship).

法句经:第 108 

Dhammapada: 108 th Verse
In this world, one may make sacrificial offerings, great and small, all the year round, in order to gain merit; all these offerings are not worth a quarter of the merit gained by worshipping the Noble Ones (Ariyas) who walk the right path.


Special Announcement 特别通告

The World Health Organisation (WHO) had declared the COVID-19 Virus a Global Pandemic and the Health Ministry has urged that all mass gatherings should be postponed. It is every person's responsibility to prevent the outbreak of COVID-19 Virus. Mahabodhi committees decided to cancel Mahabodhi Cheng Beng Activities in April. So this year there will be no Mahabodhi Cheng Beng Activities in April. Any inconvenience caused is regretted. Sadhu !

隨着世界衛生組織將新冠肺炎疫情定性為"全球大流行"后,衛生部也要求各界展延所有群聚活動,包括教会与祈禱活动。防疫爆发,人人有责。摩诃菩提委员已决定取消四月份清明节大型活动,所以今年就没有主办任何摩诃菩提清明节大型活动。不便之處請見諒。善哉 !

Remarks: Those devotees who have registered the offering of 8 Requisites, Robes, etc. are kindly requested to contact Bhante Pannasami for refund or for donating Building Fund.

备注: 那些佛友已经登记要布施八资具和袈裟等,请本身联络慧者法师退款或转捐建设基金


Cancelled Cheng Beng Phapa Ceremony 已取消清明节帕巴袈裟供僧大法会

筹募建设基金  Building Fund Raising

Cancelled Cheng Beng Phapa Robes & Requisites Offering to Maha-sangha in memory of Departed Ones

日期  Date:  /  /   (星期日  Sunday)
地点  Venue:  Pavilion of Dewan JKKK Island Park, Japanese Garden, Jalan Mas, Taman Guan Joo Seng, Greenlane, 11600, Penang. 

Organizer: Malaysia Mahabodhi Sanctuary Buddhist Association


Objective: Phapa Robes Offering Ceremony is a festival for descendents to remember and show respect for the deceased. Buddhists would also perform filial piety chanting ceremonies to express their gratitude for their ancestors, the Triple Gem, teachers and all sentient beings. This ceremony sets many offering for deceased. Phapa Robes Offering Ceremony is aimed at transferring these enormous merits to the ancestors, thus removing their karmic hindrances and help them to transcend to the higher realms and eventually to the cessation of suffering.

清明节帕巴袈裟供僧法会流程    Schedule :
早上  07:30 am : 
早餐供僧   (Breakfast Offering to Maha-sangha)

上午  09:15 am : 
托钵化缘 – 只限干粮  (Pindapata, Alms Round for Dry Food Stuff )

上午  09:45 am : 
慧者博士法师 佛法开示  (Dhamma Talk by Dr. Bhante Pannasami)

上午  10:15 am: 
- 受持三归五戒  (Taking Refuge in Triple Gem & Observance of Five Precepts)
僧众集体诵经祈福保平安   (Maha-sangha’s Chanting for Blessing)
袈裟及必需品供养僧团  (Robes & Requisites Offering to Maha-sangha)
回向功德  (Transference of Merit to Departed Ones & All Living Beings)
僧众及众佛友享用午餐  (Lunch for Maha-sangha & All Devotees)

中午 01:00 pm : 供僧法会 圆满结束  (The End of Robes & Requisites Offering to Maha-sangha)

善哉 3x
All Devotees Are Warmly Welcome To Participate & Accrue Great Merit Wherefrom 
Sadhu ! 3x

For details, please contact:
Dr. Bhante Pannasami   (04 – 6554913 / 017 – 6833442)
Bro. Gim Teik (019 – 4446561) 
Bro. Oon  (012 – 4359392 / 04 – 6564 964)
Sis. Lya Har (012 – 4510377) 
Sis. Ek Ling  (016 – 4911492)
Sis. Maggie Tan (016 - 4171558)